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Looking To Strengthen Immunity Or Increase Energy?

Interested In Eliminating Ongoing Symptoms Managed With Medication But Which Never Really Go Away?

Have You Been Told There Is No Cure For Your Ailment Or That A Symptom Is ‘In Your Head’?



My name is Shelly Fenig and I am trained in classical homeopathy, a science based on the principle that the body’s exceptional immune system can repair itself when the root cause is addressed. Homeopathic medications stimulate the immune system to heal, thus offering remarkable results and a restoration of health on many levels.


"Working with Shelly has been beautifully transformative, not just in my healing but in ​how I perceive my overall health. My baseline has improved significantly. Things that ​I had resolved to just live with no longer bother me. I had severe headaches and ​gastrointestinal issues that have all but disappeared. I feel better, I think better, and I ​expect better now that I know a stronger foundation is attainable. I highly ​recommend working with Shelly as she is incredibly thorough in her pursuit of ​holistic treatment and genuinely works to improve the lives of her patients as a ​whole." N.B. Tarzana, CA

Client Testimonials

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"I wanted to write about how grateful & relieved I am to have found this.

Before I reached out to homeopathic method, I had been to 3 different doctors who ​recommended I have full hysterectomy surgery. Due to Covid, in 2020 all non-​emergency surgeries were not being done. I had on-going extreme pains for over 4 ​years, some so bad I could only describe them as beginning of hard labor pains when ​I was without painkillers. I had been to the ER and even checked into hospital, more ​times than I could count due to this. I also had restless leg, numbing painful hip and ​thigh pain. I had other health issues as well but these were the most extreme at the ​time I reached out to Shelly. I have to admit I was a bit skeptical at first about this, ​but I was at my wits’ end and the pain was so intense, I would have done about ​anything to make it stop... I don't really like to take prescriptions and would much ​rather go a much natural route. These remedies have changed my life. I am no longer ​in extreme pain everyday. In fact, I rarely ever feel an extreme pain. I no longer need ​to have the surgery and I am getting better and better every day."

J.M.. Los Angeles, CA

"Shelly worked with my ​son for the past 2 years. ​She is caring, patient, and ​professional. My son felt ​safe and cared for in his ​visits. Shelly took the ​time and put in the effort ​to get to the bottom of ​the problem, followed up, ​and helped him heal."

G.D., Los Angeles, CA

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"I had the privilege of ​working with Shelly when I ​was struggling with the ​past and trying to move ​forward. My remedy ​brought my youthful joy ​back into my life. I ​remember suddenly ​having the urge to make ​my surroundings beautiful ​again. Looking back, it ​brings tears to my eyes."

N.I., Beverly Hills, CA

"I initially brought my son to meet Shelly for food and ​environmental allergies. He was taking plenty of OTC ​medications which were no longer effective. Since taking ​homeopathic remedies recommended by Shelly, we saw a slow ​and steady improvement. Shelly was able to strengthen his ​immune system and overall well-being by looking at him as a ​whole, not just targeting symptoms. I have found Shelly to be an ​empathic homeopath with a deep knowledge of her subject. ​She is very perceptive which lends to finding the right ​homeopathic remedy. My son is feeling more confident within ​himself and enjoying life more. Thank you Shelly!"

L.M., Los Angeles, CA

"Shelly has been an absolute game changer for our family. ​Our son had chronic ear infections, and we had been told ​by our ENT that we urgently needed surgery. It’s been 6 ​months since we met Shelly and haven’t had an ear ​infection since. We haven't gone this long without an ear ​infection in over two years. We are so grateful for her!"

L.H., Mar Vista, CA

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"Working with Shelly has ​been fantastic. From the ​beginning, she showed ​great patience and truly ​listened to all my concerns ​about my health. One of the ​first issues she helped ​resolve was my long-​standing night sweats, ​which disappeared soon ​after starting the remedy ​she recommended - a huge ​relief. Additionally, my ​mood has become much ​more stable. Shelly’s ​thorough approach and ​accessibility make her a ​wonderful homeopath. I ​highly recommend her! “

L.M., Los Angeles, CA

About Me

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  • D.C.H.M., Homeopathy and Health Sciences Diploma Program, Canadian College for Homeopathic Medicine
  • B.A. in European Studies from Barnard College of Columbia University

My journey discovering holistic medicine began in 2001 when my daughter had ten recurrent ear infections (with ten rounds of antibiotics) in the course of a year.

As I saw how homeopathy gently and magically transformed the health of my daughter, I gradually brought each of my 5 children for homeopathic treatment, and was incredibly impressed with the results. I became an avid believer in this holistic approach to health care, which takes the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of every person into account, and heals on all these levels.

My interest in and respect for homeopathy grew until I realized I very much wanted to share this effective science and form of healing with others.

I am passionate about teaching my clients how to listen to their bodies and recognize the messages their bodies are trying to tell them.

A Brief Introduction to Homeopathy

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For almost any ailment such as:

  • anxiety, depression, anger, fear
  • ADHD, autism, behavioral issues
  • headaches, sleep issues
  • brain fog, cognitive decline
  • skin or GI issues, parasites
  • colds, coughs, allergies, asthma
  • sinus, ear, bladder infections
  • flus, viruses, misophonia
  • autoimmune conditions
  • chronic pain, injuries
  • healing after surgery, childbirth
  • teething, nursing issues, colic
  • night terrors, torticollis, tantrum
  • effects of chemo/radiation
  • menstrual disorders, PMS
  • women's health

How Can Homeopathy Help?

Who Can Use Homeopathy?

  • extremely safe, gentle, and non-toxic for all ages from infants to elderly

  • safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

  • remedy is individualized to each person's needs and sensitivities

  • easy and tasty for children to take

With ongoing care, homeopathy allows the body to become the healthiest version of itself. The goal is to see improvement of labs, imaging, mood, energy, and a greater sense of well-being.

How is Homeopathy Made?

  • highly diluted natural substances, mostly derived from plants, minerals, animals

  • non-toxic

  • non-habit-forming

  • given in pellet form or liquid

  • can be purchased at health food stores or homeopathic pharmacies


M -TH 10:30 am - 5:30 pm


Initial Intake for General Health or Chronic Conditions, 2.5 Hours

Follow up Consults, 40-120 minutes (for ongoing chronic conditions)

Injury Consultations (30-90 minutes)

Acute Consultations for Urgent Care

I practice homeopathy under the 2002 California Senate Bill SB-577 and the California Business Professional Code Sections 2053.5 and 2053.6. These require me to clarify that I am not a licensed medical physician and do not diagnose, prevent, treat, mitigate or cure disease. My method of practice is homeopathy, as an alternative or complementary healing art that is not licensed by the State of California.

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  • Full devotion, attentive care, compassion and respect

  • The opportunity to tell your story and speak about all your ​concerns in a safe, non-judgmental environment

  • Explanations about the mechanics and process of ​homeopathy in order to facilitate healing through ​empowerment, education, and self-care
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  • Shelly Fenig, Sunflower Family Homeopathy, LLC
  • 323.723.3017 (Call, Text, or Whatsapp)
  • Serving Greater LA & Beverly Hills in person
  • Virtual sessions via Google Meets/ Whats App